Thursday, February 3, 2011

Time Flies

I wouldn't say I've been having fun exactly, but the past couple of weeks have certainly flown by. It's hard to believe that February is here and Wiarton Willie has predicted an early spring, despite the frigidly cold temperatures and mock snow storms. I've been crazy busy marking papers for the sport psychology course that I am TAing, and spending way too much time at doctors appointments.

Nevertheless, I have been looking for great stories of kindness to share. Last weekend my sister showed me the Youtube video of Chris Medina on American Idol. Although I am an American Idol fan, I missed the show last week. When Steve Tyler whispers into Julianne's ear at the end of the segment it is incredibly moving. What an exceptional act of kindness and grace. I think we have to send him some dakbands.
Have a look:

Speaking of dakbands, we did receive the samples of our new silicone bands. Unfortunately, the kerning on our website address is waaaaay off, so we are waiting for new samples :( Here's the problem:

I'm not sure what kind of acts of kindness the bands are promoting, but sure doesn't look like deliberate. Hopefully, I'll be able to share the real thing in a couple of weeks.

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