Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Excuses, Excuses, Excuses!

I hate excuses, which is why I probably have a business (Justplay) that has the following tag line: no excuses Justplay.

But I am going to explain why I missed yesterday's post. Aside from the fact that I completely forgot until 4 pm today.....I forgot because my week is crazy busy! I am currently studying for my Masters degree, which I began this past spring with University of Regina. It is a distance program that I planned to work at during all my free time (LOL). Over the past couple of weeks I have been working with researchers in Regina and the U.K. to submit a grant proposal for a very big and exciting research project involving Justplay. A private courier delivered it the day it was due. However, while working on the grant proposal, the dakband project, the new dakband website, and taking care of family life I didn't get any other work for my course finished. Everything is due on Friday. I have two papers to hand in and half a textbook to read, along with completed chapter worksheets! Oh yeah, I have two couples coming to spend the weekend on Saturday.....

Thankfully, I have loving, KIND, parents who have offered to take our beautiful three year old for a few days so I can at least pretend that I am going to get all of this done!!

Day 14 of 31

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