Saturday, January 14, 2012

Resolution 12

I recently came across an article about a really cool site that encourages people to make public declarations of their New Year's resolutions. But instead of making the resolution about yourself, you make it other centered, service oriented. It is called Resolution 12. Did I say this is really cool? And would it be too obvious if I pointed out how kind all these resolutions are? How many dakbands are involved here!

I wanted to share my New Year's collage, because it lists my resolutions, which, are pretty much other centered, but I forgot to take the picture :( So instead I am going to share some resolutions I'm inspired to make for each of my children.....

For Brennyn,
I will support and join you on your journey to be healthy and fit ( in fact I love the accountability of doing this together). I will encourage you to make wise choices, listen to your heart, and to be gentle with yourself. I will be here for you whenever you need, regardless of the circumstances. I will tell you I love you everyday, and if I can't speak with you, I'll be thinking it.
For Kohen,
Wow, things have changed so much for you already this year. Congratulations on your new job as a professional geologist! This year I will do my best to support you, from a distance, however you may need it. I will watch you grow and transform, and celebrate every success with you. I will offer you my insights and guidance, probably even when you want them least, but it will always come from a place of unconditional love.

For Garrett,
I will hold you, protect you, and love you unconditionally. I will do everything in my power to ensure your needs are met, you heal from the past and are able to grow into the amazing person you are. I will work on my patience, learn whatever it is I need to, to support you. I will cherish your love, creativity, and imagination.

For all my other family and friends, I will do my best to be a good friend, to encourage you, support you, and join you on whatever parts of your journey we can share. Most importantly, I hope to model kindness and compassion and serve you in some way that enriches both our lives!

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