I am so thrilled with the momentum of the dakband project within the school system. This past, November 17th to 21st, was National Bullying Awareness Week in Canada. Elementary and secondary schools within the Halton Catholic School Board recognized the importance of this occasion with a variety of activities and events designed to increase awareness and empathy of students, teachers and families. We are proud to share that two local secondary schools, Notre Dame and St. Ignatius of Layola, distributed dakbands to their prefects and students as part of their anti-bullying campaigns! I was invited to both schools to talk with the prefects about the bands and how by simply wearing them we are reminded of a higher purpose and the conscious choices we make in response to others. I believe it is wiser and more effective to encourage kindness, than to spend our energy trying to 'prevent' bullying.
Finally at the end of week the Halton Catholic School Board hosted it's second annual 'Be the Change' conference. Two student leaders from each school were invited to the conference. Throughout the day, in groups of 12/13, the students rotated through 6 stations. Each station featured activities that taught them the importance and significance of their roles within their school and community in relationship to aspects of bullying prevention. Kara and I hosted one of these stations, and spoke to the students and teachers about the ability of kindness to change how we live in our communities. It was absolutely amazing to see their reactions to the dakbands, students and teachers alike. We had some administrators who told us that this was the most awesome project they had EVER seen. All the schools left with information on how to implement the dakband project into their school community.
As the person who approves stories before they are posted to the site I can say with great delight and pride that the students at these schools have used the bands with integrity and empathy! I have listed below some band numbers for you to look up, so you can see the simplicity and value and meaning behind the deliberate acts of kindness that these students have shared.
Please go to our track your dak page:
#29636 (WOW)
#29798 (teacher appreciation)
#31306 (friendship)
By clicking on the 'organization' tab on the track your dak page and choosing either of these schools, you can see all the stories they have registered.
I am so encouraged by the vision of a kinder, more humane, community these students and schools have!
More to come, the next few days are filled with exciting events!!
As the originator and facilitator of National Bullying Awareness Week, it gives me a great deal of pride to learn of the participation of the Halton Catholic School Board this year!
I would invite any others who may wish to participate to visit the official Website of the annual week at http://www.bullyingawarenessweek.org/
Here are some other educational resources we have created to help prevent bullying through education and awareness.
Bill Belsey
Bullying.org Canada
"Where you are NOT alone!"
-The world's most visited and referenced Website about bullying
"Always on? Always Aware!"
-The world's first Website about cyberbullying
"Learn to be the change!"
-Offering online courses and Webinars about bullying and cyberbullying
"Prevention through education and awareness"
-The official Website of the annual Bullying Awareness Week"
Thank-you SO much for this information! There is now a link in the post itself!! With your permission I'd like to post a link to your site in our 'links' section.
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